Tired of Waiting for God

Tired of Waiting for God

#HeartCheckTuesday: Tired of Waiting for God? This One Word Holds the Key to Your Breakthrough!

We know the countless times you’ve resolved to seek God, even going as far as adding fasting to show your seriousness. Remember that bible plan you choose to follow at the beginning of the year or the resolve to fast once a week, yet, more often than not, your resolve fades after a few days—or even hours. Why? The answer lies in one word: Waiting. You got tired along the way and wearied out and before you stop reading this now, wait, the deliverance you seek are in the next paragraphs.

The world we live in has redefined success, offering countless alternatives that draw us away from our true source—God. It has become increasingly difficult to seek and truly know Him. Why wait on God for spouse when the lady you like ticked every fantasy in your mind, why seek God on which job offer to take when one has a good salary offer than the other? When you are not a fool right, we know how you feel…we felt that same way too.

That’s why those who devote their lives to seeking God are often viewed as extraordinary, capable of the impossible. Remember how awestruck you were when you heard of someone waiting on God for months, refusing to make a single move without His direction? Unfortunately for you and I, that’s the path we’re called to walk. The path of “Waiting”

God calls us to explore His depths, and this requires time—time spent in stillness, waiting on Him. Have you ever fasted with the understanding that true breakthrough often comes when you are at your weakest, right when you think of giving up? This is where God meets us, offering divine guidance and clarity for our lives and destinies. In the kingdom of God, speed in the physical comes from waiting in the spiritual.

Consider the Israelites: they marched silently around Jericho for seven days, following what seemed like an irrational and impractical strategy. But they knew that true victory was not in human wisdom or strength, but in their reliance on God. They understood a profound truth—without God, man is nothing.

HeartCheckers, it’s time to realign your heart and mind to the way of God. Waiting is not a sign of weakness or failure; it is the pathway to true power and purpose. In waiting, we find God, and in finding Him, we find everything. Let us renew our commitment to seek Him, no matter how long it takes. For it is in the waiting that we are transformed, empowered, and equipped for His purposes.