The Cross or the Distraction

The Cross or the Distraction


We would like to build a scenario in your mind before navigating you through our point of focus today. Follow us closely: when a man is sentenced to death by law, either by firing squad or any means of death, and the set day finally comes, do you know he loses taste and sight of everything pleasure, food, money, fame, etc, nothing makes sense to him anymore, so he concentrates on his journey to the point of his death.

It would interest you to note that absolutely nothing entices him again!

Let’s tell you why!✍🏼 He has prepared his mind for what is ahead of him—death, his final verdict.

Our point of focus today is “your cross”.

Scripture in Luke 9:23 says, Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. In taking up your cross is denying yourself all that the flesh desires, all that the world offers, all that humanly seem enticing and attractive.

Dear Heartchecker, are you still distracted while carrying your cross? The truth is, you obviously can’t desire what the world is offering alongside your cross. The preceding verse we read says that whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for the Lord’s sake will save it.

Come to think of it, For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world (distractions) and is himself destroyed or lost?

The distraction of this age will definitely not be reasonable to a man who is carrying a cross.

Carry your cross daily, and keep following, because there is much gain in following the will of Adonia…

(c) RCNLagos