There's Completeness in the Spring

There's Completeness in the Spring


Jesus speaking in John 4:14 says ‘but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.’

Have you ever thought of the satisfaction derived from this fountain of water? There is a spring he gives and that spring completely delivers man from thirst; satisfaction becomes inevitable. Until you drink from this source, the one who gives living water, thirst is constant (John 4:13).

Have you wandered in search of what will satisfy you?

Have you ever felt a gap in your life that nothing seem to have the capacity to fill it? I know you have tried figuring out what the problem could be

We have goodnews for you, there will be no gap if we find this spring, that’s because you’ll automatically find the object of your security, and begin to live the life called ‘The Abundant Life’. You live from the position of Grace fully funded by Christ himself.

The bible reveals in Colossians 2:10 that we are complete in him who is the head of all principalities and power.

You cannot obviously drink of the living water and feel incomplete or unsatisfied

Dear HeartChecker, He brings satisfaction and completeness; there is nothing to add to him if you really find him. He is that river which will never run dry. You have access, drink of the living water…

Do enjoy the rest of your day
