What is the Position of My Heart in Kingdom Service

What is the Position of My Heart in Kingdom Service


Should our hearts speak differently from what our hands do in the kingdom?

I thought the narrative should be that our eyes beheld something, impressed it in our hearts and Our hands carried it out for God’s glory?

Well, our services becomes questionable when the motive for which its offered is not in alignment with God’s word and purpose.

Sometimes for many selfish reasons, we offer services that ends up being unacceptable because the reason for which we ventured into it was to satisfy our ego and other negative desire. Is your service unto men’s accolades?

How about considering the posture of our heart towards the services we render in the kingdom?

Scripture records in 2Chronicles 25:2 That King Amasiah did what was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a loyal heart.

It therefore means that you can be doing the right thing with a wrong heart posture. Oh yes, you can.

How about you ponder on the reason why you are at your current service point? Will Jesus be pleased with you at your service point? Will he be proud of you at last?

Dear Heartchecker, we urge you to check and recheck the current posture of your heart at that service point. Let your service be of a sincere heart, a heart that pants only to see Jesus glorified in their service points. Your first goal should be that your King is seen in your point of service. Whether accolades come or not, stick to the original plan.

