Decimating Demonic Devices

DECIMATING DEMONIC DEVICES is the first book in the trilogy entitled KINGDOM ADVANCE SERIES that the Lord has permitted the author to share with His body. It has proven to be both timely and strategic as the supernatural war for the souls of nations intensifies at the close of the age. The author reiterates to believers that we are at war! The war cannot be won by comfort-seeking tourists but kingdom conquistadors. The Lord Him has declared, But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. (Matthew 12:28-29, NKJV) The teaching and preaching of the gospel today have become so ‘plug-and-play, turnkey and user-friendly’ that the reality of the nature, construct, operations and devices of demons are obliterated from mainstream charismatic pentecostal exegeses. As if ignoring and berating demons would somehow extirpate them. This is not a deep dive into the world of demons. It is a spiritual education and empowerment against demonic devices which are dark, destructive and compelling schemes, programmes, intentions, stratagems and wiles that are both actionable and have the capacity to override the human will, thereby, bringing to bear satanic oppression in the life of a person, people and communities. Demons cannot be wished away, thought away or ignored away. They must be brutally cast out by the Spirit of God. Otherwise the kingdom will not come; the will of God will not be done on earth as it is in heaven.

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