Ministry Books

A library of wisdom designed to uplift your spirit and guide your journey.

9 Ministry Books found

A Treatise on Christian Ministry

Christian ministry is service unto God according to His command, methods and by the utilization of His resources.

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The Field of Boaz

With compassion and wisdom, Rev. Austin shows that no matter what your past may hold, redemption and divine guidance for marriage are always within reach.

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An Epistle to the Apostles in the Marketplace

This book is therefore a clarion call laden with the Lords marching orders to all the Lords apostles whose duty posts are in the marketplace of the nations.

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Birthing His Excellence

Most people mistake aesthetic perfection, shiny exterior and glamour for Gods excellence.

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This book has been written to help spur you not just to learn to make a choice but to make the right choices every day of your life.

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Decimating Demonic Devices

The author reiterates to believers that we are at war! The war cannot be won by comfort-seeking tourists but kingdom conquistadors.

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Go Into All the World

Skilled men make headlines, visionary men make history, and wise men make eternity.

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Godward: Finding the True North

The best direction to take in life therefore is Godward! And there is only one acceptable route – He is Jesus Christ

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